Photofits of Ideas for new things on the Redbricks Estate

Using the cunning combination of the technology of photos taken with a mobile phone and the innovative use of felt tip pens and crayons the Green Zone workers have created the following display which lets people visualise what some of the new ideas of what could happen on the Estate would look like.

People asked to put a sticker next to the ones they like. The colour of the sticker doesn’t mean anything in particular.

These are available as PDF files – to access them please contact

Children’s play equipment near Hulme St

Trellises and planters on Walls

Fruit Bushes along fences

Fruit and Nut Trees in Planters

Smaller swinging Kid’s gates on Letsby Av

Planters in many areas around Hulme St

Hedges and beds on the edges of the Estate

Espalier Fruit Trees on Fences around the estate

Community Building on the North Side of Leaf St

Various Ideas and their popularity 1

More ideas and their popularity 2

More ideas and their popularity 3

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